A Black Woman Healing 🤎🍍 Glamazini
Taking a bath
Heal Your Body

Taking a Bath as an Adult

Taking a bath

Lately, I’ve been taking baths.

Yes yes, I know, totally random but stick with me, I’m going somewhere.
A few months back I got lash extensions.  After application, there’s a 48-hour curing period where you can’t get the extensions wet or expose them to excessive rubbing or steam. My lash stylist suggested that I take a bath the first 2 days.  With subsequent refills, the same 48-hour curing period applies, and therefore the same 2 days of bathing. I’ve had 1 initial set and 2 rounds of refills so that equals 6 not-just-for-relaxation baths-functional-to-get-myself-clean.
I haven’t done a “not for relaxation” bath in YEARS … probably since I was a child if I’m remembering correctly (although come to think of it I may have done one or two after some surgeries).  While sitting in the bathtub this AM I got to thinking about how I’m starting to view this whole “bath as an adult” thing differently.

Let me rewind a bit.

When I first started doing these 2-day bath stints in October, I was clumsy and had no clue what to expect. I dragged a bunch of stuff into our guest bathroom, filled the tub, added smellgood oils, and plopped my grown butt down.  Needless to say, the build up was worse than the release.  😐  There I sat, all 6 foot 1 inches of me (read: can’t barely fit in the tub comfortably), up to my tatas in warm water (not hot ’cause remember, I’m trying to avoid steam), and I realized not only was I uncomfortable, I was cold (from the tatas up).  The room had steamed up a bit from the too warm bath water (#steamavoidancefail 😐 ).

Then I start to actually bath (read: soap and a washcloth action commenced), and to my utter and complete HORROR dirt … like actual D.I.R.T. started coming off of me and depositing itself into the bath water … THAT. I. WAS. SITTING. IN!!!


“Who thought of this?!” is all I could muster as I sat there in a stew of yesterday’s dirt trying to pretend I was doing anything close to cleaning myself. I couldn’t believe I’d never really processed how gross the whole thing was before this. Maybe it’s because the purpose was always to relax? Or maybe it’s ’cause 9 times out of 9 there were bubbles hiding the liquid dirt below.


At any rate, I fumbled through the rest splashing around like a seal in an oil slick until I finally tapped out, drained the tub, and caught wind of the aftermath.  Now, I’m not sure why this is or if it’s
 normal, but does anyone else produce so much dirt that it’s coating the sides of the tub after it drains … or is that just my big butt?  The oils I’d added to the water didn’t help the situation, as oil and dirt just clung to the sides of the tub for dear life. 

Not a good look.

After rinsing myself with the handheld shower (super carefully), I scrubbed the tub with Comet, collected all the crap I’d brought in for no apparent purpose, and retreated out of the guest bathroom confused and mentally scarred.   I even tweeted about it #becausepriorities.

Most of my subsequent bath experiences were similar (although I did bring less stuff with me, learned not to add anything to the bathwater and put a container of Comet in the guest bathroom so I wouldn’t have to lug it over every time).  I must even admit that I skipped the bath once and tried to do a very careful tepid hand shower wash off but it was cold and unpleasant so I went back to the bath.

Fast forward to this AM.

I grabbed my shower cap, robe, towel and washcloth like a pro, and traipsed over to the guest bath without a care in the world. I’d already ran the bath while I was brushing/flossing and washing my face (a lesson learned) so it was waiting for me at the perfect temperature.  The room wasn’t steamy because I left the door open (another lesson learned).  I grabbed the soap and slid into the tub with precision.  This time I knew what to expect and had a strategy so it was less traumatizing.  I did a preliminary scrub down sans soap using just my washcloth and water. Strangely I found this to be quite relaxing, especially in the silence of my house in the morning (hubby was just waking up).  I should’ve had music going (I’ll do that next time).

After the 1st round, I added the soap and did it over again.  As usual, the water began to get cloudy and gross but, since I knew I’d be doing a “post-bath-hand shower-wash off” I had no worries. I hit all the spots that count, pulled up the drain to let the water out, got up out the tub without trying to combat the rings around it one bit (yet another lesson learned), and hit my (mildly cold but not too bad) body with the hand shower spray one good time (spraying lightly toward the wall so I didn’t have to mess with the shower curtain (yep, lesson learned).  As the water drained I rinse my feet, grabbed my towel, and exited the tub. After putting on my robe, a quick dash of Comet and a few swipes of the scrub brush and the tub looked like I’d never even been in that puppy.

Like a pro suckas!

And I was clean.

I must admit that I still find it gross to take a bath, but I’m dealing. It’s definitely the worst part of having these lash extensions but like mama used to say “no pain no vain’.  Besides, lately, I’m finding the bath experience to be kinda relaxing after all, even though it’s all about the functional aspect now. I also have to add that it’s hard to clean the undercarriage when you’re sitting on it … I’m just saying. #tmi.

Are there any adult pro-bath takers out there? I know some older homes in St. Louis don’t even have showers so I know yall are out there.

Share your “taking a bath” tips please, I’m so interested.

I might keep doing this every once in a while. I was actually quite fast this morning, so fast I shocked myself.




Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a life coach and video creator who gained a following for her natural hair tutorials, which evolved into authentic personal stories of healing with a consistent dash of humor. She is a black woman healing helping other black women heal, expand their self-awareness, reclaim their joy, and create the life they want. Work with Roshini 🤎✨🤎


  • Aisha G(of Hartlyn Kids)

    So funny. This weekend I took a bath for the first time in years. I used to love baths for relaxation but they are soooo much work. Ugh. And I can’t make the time at home now with the kid. But while I was away at a fancy schmancy hotel… I did it! Only because I knew I didn’t have to clean the tub after. I usually shower BEFORE and after. I think if you consistently take baths that doing this isn’t needed but when you do baths only once in a while well — need to do it when you realize you are sitting in a tepid pool of your own bacteria. Yuck.

    But… I enjoyed it 🙂

  • Jarmelia

    Hahaha! I take baths all the time. I just soak in the tub and then wash before I get out. I don’t wash first b/c like you I don’t want to sit in my filth and the tub gets dirty. I have wondered too if other people have soap scum when they get out of the tub. I’m glad I’m not alone. Especially since using natural soaps, it’s worse with the oils from the soap and the dirt off my behind…nawl.

    Well anyway I have no tips. I just relax in the bath, wash and then get out. I don’t shower afterwards. I just run some water while the tub is draining and rinse off again with my rag with the clean water. Like taking a quick sink bath…lol

  • Lexi

    Nice tips! Ok, so my bestie is an AVID bath-taker (???) and I found this so weird! Like, the first time I realized this, we were on the phone yappin’ and i’m hearing water and I was like…..”ummm, what IS that?!” LOL! She so nonchalantly said, “Gurl, bathwater” (blink….blink…) I think she’s been doing it forEVER! and i’ll have to ask her if she has any tips. I must say that I think taking a bath is awesome, but I think i’d have to have a routine down pat as to the steps I take to make it as efficient as possible. If I could do the whole bath thing, relax, and get clean in the time it takes me to take an actual shower (i take loooonnnnggg showers) then, I think i’d be game!

  • Serenity

    The question you should be asking self is why isn’t that grime coming off in the shower? When I was a child, my mother insisted on bathing vs showering, and of course as an adult I shower as a rebellion. But when I exclusively shower I notice that I am dirtier than when I exclusively bathe. Consistent bathing just leaves me cleaner than consistent showering. Maybe that is the heart of your “stew”.

  • Lele

    I hate baths. They take too long (I’m a busy mom), and I hate the dirt factor, and the thought of that same dirt touching my lady parts is gross.

    My bath tip? Only take Baths for relaxation, not for cleansing. Take them when you know you’re pretty clean. Like, take a shower on lazy Saturday/Sunday morning, and then soak in the bathtub (but do not scrub) that same night for a relaxing 20-30 minutes. 🙂

  • The Retro Natural

    I didn’t know you wre 6’1”, a bath would be kinda annoying to me if I were that tall, totally get ya! I didn’t like baths as a kid because they took too long but now I enjoy them but that’s probably because we found an old school clawfoot tub on craigslist for cheap and it really makes taking a bath feel nice and more like a luxury! We create a whole ritual around the bath though, the candles and oils and salts to really make the atmosphere nice. That helps a lot! I don’t have tips either really. Soak, scrub, rinse hop out. I get a ring (sometimes minimal sometimes oh my!) but que sera sera ya know? .. dust and dirt start to cling to us as soon as we head out the door. Add sweat and the natural process of skin shedding and ..welp lol. I agree though, if you just soak for relaxation, you shouldn’t have too much grime.

    • glamazini

      Yep, hence the “amaz” in my name (amazon). I always tell my nephew if he grows up and gets rich, auntie Roshini wants a bathtub she can fit in LOL! #truestory. Ok, you would have a clawfoot tub! Ooooh I love them. I stayed at this B&B once with one and I stayed in it ’cause I felt so glamorous. Maybe that’s what’s missing from my baths, the glamour.

      • The Retro Natural

        lol! the mrs. really wanted it more than me..I was like oh..that’s pretty, good idea! Then we had to lug it into a truck and into the house..just the two of us..ugh, I was hurting in places I didn’t know could hurt! But it’s nice, I can’t lie. It does make you feel glamorous! Put that one on the wishlist!!

  • Tanya

    Lol about the undercarriage! My mom is a bather for life! She hates showers. I prefer showers myself, but when baths are necessary, here’s what I do. Fill the tub only about 3-4 inches (I’m not gonna be in there long. I use this same amount with my kids. You don’t have to be fully immersed to get a good wash). Get in and either sit or squat, soap up the rag, wash, then use the hand-held showerhead to rinse off. If the showerhead doesn’t come off, I run the washcloth under the faucet and “swish” myself off with clean, fresh water. Let the water out, and you don’t have dirt all up high on the tub. Just Put some cleaner in, wipe down the area where the water was in the tub, and rinse. This method does NOT take long. And if you are doing a “just hit the hot spots” bath, you can REALLY do it fast.

    I discovered how gross it was to me rinsing with used bathwater once I had kids and had to bathe them in the bathtub. I was appalled a the thought of rinsing them with the same dirty water.

  • Michelle

    You’re normal to have “extra grimey” bath water. My bro has “extra grimey” shower water. But he has fater cell regeration=glowing skin once cleaned.

    soaking loosens the dirt n dead skin better, so like every1 else said scrub at the last minute. But i dont like washing my lady parts with the same water so when im done i stand and wash it and rinse it with fresh water while dirty water is draining.


    if u cant soak for 10-20 min: fill the tub ankle high, wet ur body, wash ur body, drain tub, and rinse with handpiece. this method is efficient and u have to move quickly enough so the soap doesn’t dry while washing other body parts.

    i learned these methods while visiting kinflok in the “country” (outside city limits, using collected rain water/well water)

  • Irendi

    I’ve been planning to start taking more baths than showers because I realized that I’ve become one of “those people”. Who are “those people”? The ones who never slow down to take in the small things about life. I’m always rushing, brain always processing; I never stop “going”. So I’ve made a few changes, including meditating and praying more. This is just another step in the direction of slowing myself down to a pace that isn’t so demanding.

  • Nitisha

    I love baths. I wish I had more time to take them than rush through a shower. My hubby baths everyday he gets off work, its his way of fully getting off work, (my suggestion, he’s a firefighter) he always smells real goooood after a bath. The freshness just seems to last longer. Like others have said just soak with a good book maybe a cup of tea and then wash, exit immediately, love it.

    • glamazini

      Your husband takes baths?! Now that’s something I’ve never heard much of (men taking baths). It makes sense if he’s been out all day fighting fires. It must really help “shift” his day.

  • Me

    I like baths, but not for bathing. Usually I soak then shower. Someone tipped me off once that a lot of the ring is caused by shedding dead skin cells which appear “dirty” only because my skin is dark. That didn’t help me get over the idea of stewing in it, though–just made me feel like a reptile. So on the occasion that I can’t take a shower, I go old Caribbean style: bucket, rag, soap –> dip & scrub, replace the soapy water with clean water, then dip & rinse.

    • glamazini

      LAWD not bucket rag and soap … and I’m even mad that I know what you are talking about O_O. Jesus help us all LOLOLOL! I’ve always wondered if the ring was made worse ’cause I am brown complexioned and my skin was in it (gross but still). Glad to know I’ not the only one thinking that. Thanks for sharing

  • Kel

    I’ve always taken baths (except for the 4 years I was away at college & living in a dorm). I’ve found that the water is grimier after taking showers for a period of time. I prefer the bath because I feel like everything that needs to be soaked is getting thoroughly cleansed, lol.

    Tip: when you clean out the tub, you might want to use something milder than comet if you have sensitive skin. I use Bon Ami…and switched to Comet once, which broke me out all on the back of my legs. So now I’m die-hard about using Bon Ami.

  • Ronda

    My friend emailed me this article because I loooovee to take baths. I don’t mind showers but the house I moved in was remodeled for my handicapped aunt and doesn’t have a tub. I hate it! I just think that its important to soak you undercarriage sometimes :-)! I’m adapting but I sure do miss my tub.

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