A Black Woman Healing 🤎🍍 Glamazini
Black Women Healing,  Heal Your Mind,  My Life In The Sunshine

Ship Burning 101

*ini looks around feverishly for matches and lighter fluid … looks up and notices readers*

Hey hey now party people, I didn’t see you there.

Remember this here post about setting ships ablaze?   If not, go read it then come back. I’ll wait.

Well, here’s a quicky update on what my  strategy is now that I have 4 … count them FOUR working days left on this contract. Then no job. Oh and a human growing in my inner parts. You know, the usual Wednesday.

God has provided (like that’s a big surprise).

Hubby and I went out for Valentine’s day and he calmly told me that we had been blessed in many areas of a financial nature, and that meant that I did not have to look for another job pre-baby-arrival if I didn’t want to.

Well, well, well, well. Please hold my laptop while I PRAISE HIM!!

Do. it. Jesus.

So basically the gist is, we won’t be making near as much moula as we did even with me working part time (I work in I.T. and I.T. pays well, even for a 24 hour week) … BUT … we will be able to make it do what it do in the meantime in between time if we are intentional (which we’ve already started with much success on February 1).  I’ve also been in “do it” mode since he told me, almost like a huge weight or cloud has lifted and I can be more productive without the stress of needing to find another gig immediately. I exhaled. *insert cheddary dramatic music here*  Seriously people, last night I vaccumed under my couch cushions.

Who is happy? *ini points at self with ridiculously big grin on her face*

The other thing that I will be doing (beyond all the obvious prep for baby and taking over the world) is vetting other jobs that interest me and applying to them (maybe even ones in other industries).  Beyond that I will do as my husband so aptly said that night and “Take a break, [I] need one.”


More updates on ship burning to come.   Oh and if you prayed like I asked you to in the previous post, thank you.  

Until next time Glam Fam I wish you

Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Nappyness,

@Glamazini | facebook.com/IamGlamazini | youtube.com/Glamazini | Google+

Disclosure: No physical ships were harmed in the writing of this post. For more information about the Glamazini.com disclosure policy, click here.




Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a life coach and video creator who gained a following for her natural hair tutorials, which evolved into authentic personal stories of healing with a consistent dash of humor. She is a black woman healing helping other black women heal, expand their self-awareness, reclaim their joy, and create the life they want. Work with Roshini 🤎✨🤎


  • Wendy

    God makes a way when you can’t see one. I was making myself ill commuting 4+ hours a day for a bullying boss and poor salary, while caring for my elderly mother. Out of the blue a recruitment agent rang me about a much better paid home based role. It gave me back my health and vitality – though I wasn’t moved to hoover under the cushions! I’m glad that you’ll be able to relax during your pregnancy. Good news.

  • Patricia

    Long ago (about 8 years ago) you inspired me as I went on my journey of transitioning my hair from relaxer to natural… I’ve been following you ever since and you are always a source of inspiration. I’m currently contemplating some ship burning and yet again, you inspire me! Thank you, thank you, thank you and thank you for sharing what you share.

  • Kia

    This post was right on time for me. I missed the first post so I am glad I went back and read it. I have a contract position in a field I have been in for 10 yrs (mostly bored, even after changing sub-fields a couple of times) that expires in four months. I have been thinking about making a change as well with similar concerns. Now I am wondering if now is the time to do some ship-burning…..

    • glamazini

      Thanks for swinging through & all the best with your endeavors. I’ll say this, live is short and precious. I know everyone says that but it really is. Lately I’ve had a lot of “repositioning” happening that is helping me to hone in and focus on what is truly a priority. I say go for it and try. The only thing that can happen is you end up where you are and you’re familiar with that already and can just go and try again. 🙂

  • Michelle G

    Found this post and it’s prequel at a point in time (presently) where I am fearful of what is occurring where I work. Facing a pay cut and knowing I have 3 children to care for has caused me much stress. This brings me so much inspiration. I have always known God will provide and reading everyone’s testimonies has re-enforced this for me. I wish you and yours blessings beyond measure. Excited about the life you are growing. Thank you for sharing your struggles and your triumphs as they help many more than you could possibly know.

    • glamazini

      You’re welcome. He really does come through, even if it’s not in the way you thought he would. Sometimes he gives us wisdom for the meanwhile. I pray his perfect will be done in your situation, and for your peace. *hugs*

  • Kisha

    This post just makes me happy, im smiling from ear to ear. It is always a blessing even for me to hear what God has done for other people bcause that is confirmation that my situation will be handled. God is Love and Its a blessing with in its self to know Him…. Your site has started off as a guide to natural hair for me, but now it is so much more.

  • ChicagoCurly

    I read in a book, a job-hunting book no less http://www.amazon.com/Days-Work-You-Love-Preparing/dp/1433669331, about something called “the grace of interruption”. It is basically a divined opportunity to take a step back, re-group and re-focus. Stepping out on faith is hard as hell, but I guess if it were easy everyone would be doing it. I too am in the IT field and know how stressful/monotonous/frenzied it can be, and this time last year my job was stressing the pure heck out of me. I contemplated quitting many times throughout my 4 yr tenure, but never felt that I could (those darn naysayers can sometimes drown out your own internal voice); so I stayed and suffered until one day I’d had enough. I drew up my budget for the next six months, handed in my resignation and off I went – to what I had no clue (folks around me were freaking out because I quit during “the worst recession ever”). Initially I’d planned to de-stress for two weeks then hit the ground looking for a new job. It took me until June to actually feel like my old self; however I still didn’t begin looking for a new gig, rather I focused on my health – both mental and physical (began job hunting in late Nov ’11, hired Feb ’12). I lost 39 lbs last year; learned I am WAY stronger than I knew, and that no voice, other than mine, will decide and/or determine how I live my life. All that to say, you will be ok. Look at this as a time to prepare for your next chapter, whatever it may be. Trust your gut, even when/if faced with folks around you whose opinions differ or folks who are attempting to project their fear and insecurities onto you. As my mom tells me all the time, when God sends you an email, he doesn’t cc: anyone else, so other opinions, outside your hubby and future kiddles, don’t matter in light of messages directly from God himself. 🙂 Face the fear and do it anyway (my motto since 2011). 😀

  • Dannielle

    I’ve watched amost all of your videos and you never once struck me as the kind of person who gives up. You are an inspiration to so many and you will continue to be one. Your baby is so blessed to have parents like you and your hubby. God is taking care of the three of you every step of the way.

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