A Black Woman Healing 🤎🍍 Glamazini

Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a life coach and video creator who gained a following for her natural hair tutorials, which evolved into authentic personal stories of healing with a consistent dash of humor. She is a black woman healing helping other black women heal, expand their self-awareness, reclaim their joy, and create the life they want. Work with Roshini 🤎✨🤎


  • 4evame

    Halleluyahhhhhh!! Halleluyahhhhhh!!
    I cried tears of joy, wailed sounds of praise, and then smiled at how God is truly amazing and awesome. Listening to u had me bawling like a baby. I can only imagine what you experienced. Like i told u before, your son is so lucky to have you guys as his parents. Thank u for this post. It confirms that with God, NOTHING is impossible.

    • blueisis02

      Jehovah JIRA-MY PROVIDER! You said it all and more! Thank-you Roshni for sharing a part of your life walk with Jesus! You are a blessing!Keep praising him!

  • Steph

    Roshini, my words are not enough. All I can do is praise God for you. I thank God that He brought you through your personal Gethsemane. I can’t image the emotional struggle and the depression through this difficult time. I praise God for your little one and say, “What can man do? If God is for us, who can be against us.” What awful doctors and health staff. Anyway, thank you for sharing your testimony. We stand on God’s good report and accept His truth, not the enemy’s. Your little one, as you know, is beautifully and wonderfully made! I love you, my fellow sister in Christ and I will continue to lift you and yours up in prayer. Jer. 29:11- “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope.” You are deeply loved and favored by the Lord. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  • Barbara

    I cried watching the video and am glad you had the strength/courage and trust in God to continue the pregnancy. You and your husband have a beautiful son.

  • gioialynna

    my god I am deeply touched by your testimony, i can’t believe that while you were filming those belly shots and pregnancy vlogs you were going through all that. It proves just what a brave woman you are. I thank God for filling you with his grace in abundance, My mother suffered a lot she lost her three first babies and had a hard time when she was pregnant with me, nobody thought she could survive because she couldn’t do anything on her own, but here i am today at 21one years followed by 4 others.Everything is possible to God as long as you trust and obey him. Flickerbug is your gift from him and I am sure he will bring you more than you thought. Be blessed

  • Sophia

    Thank you for being so courageous in sharing your journey. How did you get the emotional energy to post all those videos during that time? *dumbfounded* Flickerbug is so beautiful, I can sense it in the Spirit (and from his cute little foot) and he is so blessed to have you both as his parents. I’m so sorry that you had to go through such a tumultuous season and you did a great job surviving it! Kuddos to you and the hubby. Know that you are not alone and prayers are sent your way. So grateful that Flickerbug has healed from the surgeries,. May the Lord of lords and King of kings continue to give you all strength, hope, faith and love unceasingly…**HUGS** SHALOM!

  • Chewie

    Amen and Amen…each life so precious. As we work to find full care for my mother who is young and vibrant of mind, but lame in body, I remember with you that God is in control and the year will come, so I will chose to put one foot in front of another today.

  • Mirisa

    BUT GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hallelujah! Let’s remember that the Author, Creator, and Giver of Life has the final say!

    Thanks for sharing your testimony. God bless you and your family

  • TyaD

    You are a very strong woman. It takes such courage to share a story like this with us. But I’m so happy you did it! That doctor sounds horrid. Have you ever thought to take time out to let him know how he affected you? Since your son was born, have you ever been a patient of this doctor again? Also, do you plan to have more children? I really believe you are a great Mom and will give your son all that he needs and that is LOVE. Thanks again for sharing this!

    • glamazini

      No I won’t be reaching out to Dr Longman, however if I ever somehow have the opportunity to talk to him I do plan on letting him know. No, he is not my doctor & I actively requested he not be on staff during any if my subsequent tests. I do plan on having more children God willing.

  • Dionne

    Thanks for your testimony !!! I can only think of “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths”. I am so glad that you trust him and chose not to abort your baby. God has a plan for his life just like he has for every one else. Thanks again for sharing such an Inspirational heartfelt post.

  • Layo

    Halllelujahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Our God is bigger than all our problems, He is bigger than anything!!!!! I cried while you spoke of your test. I laughed for joy when you spoke of your testimony. You and your family are a testament to God’s goodness, greatness and mercy!! Thank God for you Roshini. You don’t know what a blessing this testimony was to me. TO GOD BE THE GLORY, GREAT THINGS HE HATH DONE!!!

  • Tracy

    Very happy for you and your family. I’ve followed your hair/life journey for years and you offer so much of yourself to your readers. I only hope and pray that our support is as timely and well received. You are a continued blessing to me and many others. Please continue sharing!

  • lsa

    All Glory to GOD! You are so strong and our GOD is powerful. I am floored that you continued to blog during any of this. God Bless you.

  • Elle

    I was too scared to watch this until tonight, but I am so glad that I did. I had a similar ultrasound situation a few weeks ago and…I didn’t handle it as well as you did. Thank you so much for sharing. Now I know that I have to insist on switching back to my old OB (or finding another new one) and making extra sure that I have people talk to me like I have sense and deserve to know what is going on with my child.

    • glamazini

      OH NO! My heart is heavy that you had that experience BUT do not think I was/am super woman … you are STRONGER THAN YOU THINK YOU ARE. Be sure to pray every day for strength and direction, protect yourself from anything that is not good for you and your baby, insist on the best from your medical professionals, find support and come back and let me know updates if you remember too. I just said a prayer for you and your child Elle. Be blessed.

  • nia halima

    wow! thank you for sharing your story. i love that simple idea that next year is gonna come and we just have to put one foot in front of the other until it does. sometimes that is all you can do when you are going through something like you went through. i also had a stressful pregnancy 5 years ago,with a blunt medical diagnosis of the high posssiblity of miscarriage, medications, surgery and 5 months strict bedrest. i was fortunate to come through it all with a now healthy, happy, BUSY almost 4 year old little man! but i was watching your pregnancy vlogs every now and again, happy for you and enjoying following your progress, but also a tiny bit jealous becuz i never got to have your kind of pregnancy, what i THOUGHT was a normal, happy, fun, belly measuring, chit-chaty, regular aches and pains and nausea kind of pregnancy. so now i’m like…oh! but i suppose it is also a good reminder that you just never know what people are actually going through, and to be mindful and grateful for whatever your situation is or was. so all that to say, thanks again and continued blessings, love and light to your family! nia

  • flora

    Words can’t express what I’m feeling. Touched is an understatement to day the least.
    You are an amazing person with amazing faith in an Amazing God. Thank you so very much for sharing your testimony!

    I pray God’s continued blessings in you and your families life.


  • Jazz

    Ini! I know this is a few weeks back but I had to comment. What a beautiful testimony…I am in tears right now. I know you are in complete and utter love with your little man and he is very blessed to have you as a Mother. My daughter is 8 months today and its such a beautiful age, enjoy him 🙂

  • Adora

    Thank you so much for sharing such a (personal) testimony, Roshini. Much love to you, Adima, and Flickerbug.
    I’m childless, but in the middle of training as a medical professional, and sadly sensitivity isnt something taught in med school. Thanks again for sharing, just another reminder that things said casually can remain with patients for a lifetime. So sorry you had that type of experience with that doc 🙁

    • glamazini

      Thanks for commenting. Yeah, it’s really serious. The one thing I would leave you with is remember that when things become mundane everyday occurrences to you, they are shocking 1st time experiences to your patients. Every time you talk to them remember it’s their 1st time. All the best.

  • Diahl

    I am speechless and I am wiping my eyes. Roshini, thank you (!!!) for sharing your testimony. I went through a range of emotions but the one emotion that stood out to me was anger. Anger because of the callousness of the medical “professional.” I faced that when I pregnant with my daughter and that experienced cemented my desire to become (hopefully) a community health nurse. But despite all of that, joy definitely came in the morning!

    To God be the glory, indeed! He is just so amazing.

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