A Black Woman Healing ๐ŸคŽ๐Ÿ Glamazini
My Life In The Sunshine

Get Back To Work!

This past Tuesday I started a “new” job.

I smilie air-quoted that “new” because actually I really just went back to my old job … but not quite.ย  Allow me to explain.


Last October I posted about the impending finale to my contract position at a corporation here in St. Louis. It really wasn’t a complex situation, I signed an 18-month contract to work in the IT department and after 16.5 months said department had run out of money so my contract (along with many others) was ended; allowed to flutter into the wind with no explanation as to what happened to that other month & a half .ย  Pretty cut and dry.


For the past 4 months I have been jobfree:ย  looking for a job but not starving or panicking while doing so, thank God, while also attempting to build some of my own personal interests into income generators (read this blog, YouTube channel, print & logo design, event planning etc.) … I believe “monetize” is the snazzy word everyone uses.ย  The progress has been modest but present and I am well pleased.ย  So imagine my peaked curiosity when I received a cold-email from a manager in the Marketing department at my old employer inquiring if I would come help them out on a rotating 2-month contract.ย ย 


I say “peaked curiosity” because, I can now admit in public what I’d often thought in private:ย  that I belonged in that manager’s group all along. The entire time I worked in the IT department upstairs, yet interacted on a daily basis with his group, I clearly and quickly realized that I held more of his group’s values and concepts than the group I was working in.ย  I even at one point, after over a year and (along with another contractor) practically mending the broken relationship between the two groups, bluntly said to the Marketing manager “if you ever have a position in your group, please let me know.”ย  … and apparently he did.ย 


I must say going back to work has been odd in its own right, but going back to the same building and people and commute and parking lot and breakrooms and coffee machines and conference rooms but in a different department has been downright surreal.ย  Not to mention the fact that the Marketing department seems to be a more colorful and happy place than the IT department, by a long shot.ย  I often told my husband that I knew there were happy people at that company, I saw them in the cafeteria all the time, but I didn’t know where they were coming from. Well apparently some of them were coming from Marketing, wearing pink shawls, glitter nail polish and yellow ballet flats….I’m just saying.


The long short of it is this (what does that even mean):ย  I’m there part-time for 2 months confirmed (with an option to renew for another 2 months and another and so on until they either (a) find a full-time designer to fill the position or (b) I become the full-time designer to fill the position) and I absolutely LOVED my first week!ย  Yes I did, and what a shock to me even I must say. I did not expect to feel any joy going back, just a sense of utility and commitment to doing a good job…but I was pleasantly surprised to actually enjoy my first week!ย  I know…I know…it is not a utopia, I have no clouded vision of fairytales and lemondrop kisses whisking me away on a unicorn-pegasus hybrid into Marketing department bliss, I’m being a realist…a shocked cautious realist, but a realist nonetheless.ย  I’ve even heard from someone in the Marketing department about the woes they face, but in all honesty it was like them telling a person without legs about their hangnail, it’s all about perspective.


So with that I end this post, on my day off, as I head upstairs to find an office under that pile of junk in the extra room and hit my laptop with a defibrillator (or a sledgehammer, depending on how it unfolds).ย  As usual, I will keep you all posted on how this all plays out (the job situation and the potential sledgehammer beatdown) on this voyeur-friendly fishbowl I call my blog *hee*.

Thanks for reading!

Life, Liberty, & The Pursuit of Nappynessย ย 

๐Ÿ Where the links reside ๐ŸคŒ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ”— ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿพ https://flow.page/glamazini

Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a life coach and video creator who gained a following for her natural hair tutorials, which evolved into authentic personal stories of healing with a consistent dash of humor. She is a black woman healing helping other black women heal, expand their self-awareness, reclaim their joy, and create the life they want. Work with Roshini ๐ŸคŽโœจ๐ŸคŽ


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