A Black Woman Healing 🤎🍍 Glamazini
how to raise your mood
Black Women Healing,  Heal Your Mind

5 Ways I Raise My Mood

how to raise your mood

Anyone notice a theme here?

I have been “going through” lately (as they say) but I’m determined to CHOOSE JOY whenever I am able to.  That said, I was just sitting here thinking about what I do to take an active part in what my mood is. It’s often a day-by-day choice, dare I say a minute-by-minute one … but it can be a choice.

Here are 5 things I do to raise my mood.  Feel free to share your mood raising techniques below in the comments! 

1.  I’m honest about what I love and surround myself

I love rubber duckies and I collect them. I started with cows (don’t ask) the moved on to duckies because they are bright, colorful, fun and things “roll off their backs” (get it?).  For years I stopped collecting telling myself that “adults” don’t collect duckies (even though I started my collection as an adult), but several years ago I broke them out their box in the basement and there are duckies in my car, on my desk, at work, and even on my dining table.  I’ve realized that by honoring the truth that I really love duckies (and they make me smile), it instantly puts my mood in a great place.  Oh and I also collect bubble blowers and am mildly obsessed with pirates.  


2.  Music music music!

Music has always been like a healing balm to my soul. My dad’s side of the family is full of musicians, singers, dancers, guitar players, keyboard players, rappers etc. etc. We are music.  Once again, years ago I had lost the music. I don’t know how I let that happen but I literally stopped really listening to music at all during my day-to-day life.  A.ma.zing.  Now Pandora is my friend, and like a doctor for my mind.  I’ve dusted off my iTunes list and love to wake up to music, get ready to music, drive anywhere listening to music, and randomly toss on songs during daily activities.  It changes the atmosphere instantly and adds melody to life. Mood lifted!


3.  I count my blessings.

You guys have seen my lists.  Here is one from yesterday of thing I Love.  Here’s another one of 100 things that make me happy.  I’ve done this offline for years.  It’s a sure-fire way to refocus my mind on what I have and not what I don’t have. I recommend it to anyone for immediate mood liftage. Yes I made up a word.


4.  I choose who I spend my time with

People can be a mood suck.  There I said it LOL.  Some people more than others, and usually those people don’t know they are one so you can’t rely on them to control their mood-suckiness. Yes I made up another word.  I am a savage guard of who I spend my precious time with, whoI listen to, who I speak to, who I let speak into my space etc. etc. If you can’t govern those around you, then learn to put up a mental forcefield against impending negativity so that it just hits the forcefield and slides off. No really, imagine their words hitting a glass infront of you and sliding to the floor, then smile and keep it pushing. Instant mood lift and inside joke.

5.  I laugh on purpose

“On purpose” is the operative phrase. If my mood is tanking I actively search out things that make me literally Laugh Out Loud!  I may go to the movies, I may call a fun friend, I may watch a show on the tele, I may draw silly pictures, I may dress up in a silly outfit and dance around in the sunlight streaming into an open window.  In the past I would goof off with my pets (I miss my fur babies).  Pretty much anything I know will make me smile, laugh and get myself outside of myself.


What are some ways you actively raise your mood? Share below in the comments!


Until next time Glam Fam I wish you

Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Nappyness,

@Glamazini | facebook.com/IamGlamazini | youtube.com/Glamazini | Google+

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Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a life coach and video creator who gained a following for her natural hair tutorials, which evolved into authentic personal stories of healing with a consistent dash of humor. She is a black woman healing helping other black women heal, expand their self-awareness, reclaim their joy, and create the life they want. Work with Roshini 🤎✨🤎


  • Kylanol

    I have a list just like this !! Whenever I am feeling “blah” I have to check to make sure something on my list isn’t off!!

    1. Music – elevates my mood. Especially some gospel music.
    2. Coffee – makes me feel like doing work
    3. Make a plan – I tend to feel blah when I have no plan of attack for whatever I am working on
    4. Dance – sometimes I need to take a dance break
    5. Sing – Sometimes you need to have your own personal concert


  • Carla

    As your sister in Christ Jesus I am praying for you as you go through, that the joy of the Lord fill you, that you draw on His peace and that the favor of the Lord surround you, your husband and your sweet new baby.
    love your youtube channel

  • Vee

    While I can honestly say that I enjoyed being pregnant and almost everything that came with it, however I did have bouts of depression during the last trimester. Rather than medicate (highly against it when pregnant), I choose to focus on all things positive.

    Some how thinking about the little person (didn’t know the gender before she was born) tickled me. I would imagine if it was a girl or boy, what personality s/he would have, would s/he have my legs and daddy’s backside. I watched movies that i enjoyed, I challenged myself to read the complete collection of sherlock holmes before she was born (failed but enjoyed trying), continued to workout and revelled in the beauty around me. I also reminded myself that this was a temporary state and all would be well. It worked for me.

  • Tee

    I love to workout when I’m not feeling very well emotionally. The other thing that helps a ton is praying. I also have kept a journal since the age of 7.

  • ofthecomely

    Congrats on the pregnancy!

    I’ve found working out helps my mood. Have you ever tried yoga or pilates? They both have poses that can be modified to accomodate pregnancy and injuries. I also sleep. Things always seem a little better after a good nap.

    Since you like to blog/vlog how about starting a new blog for your little one. You know like how Kimora Lee Simons had Baby Phat and then a separate line for kids inspired by her girls.

    You could start a spin off of Glamazini, if you’re having a girl it could be like Glamzini in training, if a boy, maybe my sweet brown Don Juan.. Idk I’m just throwing stuff out there but I think it would be fun :).

    Take it easy.

  • lsa

    What a great series of posts! Love it.

    I am still working on this one “I choose who I spend my time with”. Family members and supervisors are hard for me to shake!!!

    Some others:
    count my blessings
    cook (mostly baking)
    write letters
    call someone I have not talked to in a while
    organize something (even a drawer)
    take a walk with my hubby
    work out
    take a hot bath with salts and oils
    read something positive
    re-do my wall photos

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