A Black Woman Healing 🤎🍍 Glamazini
My Life In The Sunshine

30 Things About Your 30s

So the other day I get this comment in response to my 1st VEDA (Vlog Every Day In August) video asking for topics:


and, beyond the fact that her calling me “a bit older” made me legitimately chuckle, I was game so I came up with a list of 30 things you can look forward to in your 30s.  LEGGO!

1. My  joints decided to go on sabbatical

Round ’bout 32 my knees and ankles said they had enough.  It’s a darn shame because, prior to that, I was a very active young lady (which I’m sure contributed to the leave of absence of my cartilage).  It was like someone flipped a switch honestly. One day I was at Zumba class killing the game, the next I couldn’t walk. Welcome to my 30s.

2. Just random pains in general

Without warning or provocation my back (or any other choice body part) will ache to varying degrees. What’s that about?  I’m assuming wear and tear. *tear*

3. Gray hair

Gray hairs are par for the course and actually started in my twenties.  I still only have 2 isolated patches to that’s a positive. But the patches are expanding. Negative.

4. Facial hair

Facial hairs are NOT par for the female course and I can still remember finding my 1st one when I was FOURTEEN at Vacation Bible School. It was not a good day. Either way, the 3rd floor has made these jokers multiply like bunnies like I need more of that. I don’t.

5. Gray. facial. hair.

Yes you read that correctly. I mean after #3 and #4 what did I expect? They come in gray. They come in on my face. They now come in gray on my face. This cannot be my 38 year old life.

Want to see the 25 things you can look forward to in your 30s? Check out this video:

Watch directly on Youtube | Help me meet my goal of 20K subscribers by end of year *thank you*

What have your 30s been like? Did I hit the nail on the head? 

Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a life coach and video creator who gained a following for her natural hair tutorials, which evolved into authentic personal stories of healing with a consistent dash of humor. She is a black woman healing helping other black women heal, expand their self-awareness, reclaim their joy, and create the life they want. Work with Roshini 🤎✨🤎


  • BigTickles

    Yes girl. I have and am experiencing all that and then some. I can barely stay up past 10, ok 9:30 anymore. What is that about? I also shave my face before I go to bed and wake up…BAM…it is like I did not shave….smh

  • Keni M

    THANKS! It is so nice to know I am not alone…and for the positives as well; you are right confidence is moving on up!

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