A Black Woman Healing 🤎🍍 Glamazini
Black Women Healing,  Heal Your Mind

What If You Are Just Where God Wants You?

Someone said these words to me recently:

“What if you are just where God wants you?”

I’ve been having what I call “coincidences” happen to me for the past 3 months. For example, I’ll be asking my nephew what his favorite poem is while checking my email on my phone, then get an email from someone wanting me to check out their poetry. Or I’ll be looking online for a specific hat for my son one day, then the next day someone sends me the hat unsolicited in the mail.  I’ve gotten over my shock ed at the frequency at which they are occurring and told myself that it’s God’s way of telling me I’m *exactly* where he wants me to be right at the time he wants me to be there. That statement is not as easily accepted as it is typed. There are things happening right this instant that are among the hardest things this life has ever dealt me. If I’m being totally honest, I don’t want to be exactly where I am in every aspect of my life.  Still, I believe that God may have set me up for this time and he has me precisely where he means for me to be. Each day brings new challenges, lessons and victories but the idea that God knows right where I am right in the middle of the storm encourages me to keep moving and see what the end will be.

So I’ll pose the question to you; ESPECIALLY if you are in one of life’s rough patches.

What if you are PRECISELY where God wants you to be at this very moment?

Be encouraged.

Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a life coach and video creator who gained a following for her natural hair tutorials, which evolved into authentic personal stories of healing with a consistent dash of humor. She is a black woman healing helping other black women heal, expand their self-awareness, reclaim their joy, and create the life they want. Work with Roshini 🤎✨🤎


  • Latoya

    Beautiful post Ini. It’s really not easy accepting ALL of God’s will all the time, but there is comfort in knowing that living in His perfect will is what brings the most fullfillment and is the best thing for us (and everybody else that will be affected). Blessings to you and yours my dear.

    • glamazini

      Thanks hun. Daily I am astounded at how hard life can be and how strong God must think I am. Ultimately I must believe He knows exactly where I am and where I am has an exact purpose.

  • Pam

    Awesome post! There are so many times I have felt what you have wrote. God is omniscient and omnipesent with that I believe that He always have a plan path that He makes clearer than the last path. It’s like the magnifying glass has been zoomed in to the point that the “coincidences” that occur seem to stand out in HD! I am just so thankful and grateful that He loves His children so that He strategically places us where He desires us to be. Some paths are teach us what to do and some will reveal to us what not to do. So as Aposlte Paul said “I have learned to be content” and I believe that is a point God tries to get us to realize a lot of the time. Even when it’s rough He wants us to be content( wow wasn’t intending on going this route lol). Your post really spoke to me this morning and it is definitely food for thought. Thanks :^)

  • Rachie Jay

    Great post!!! Funilly enough last week and penned something very similar. ‘Where I am right not is exactly where God wants me to be.’ Do I want to be here? NO!!! But sometimes we just have to believe that he has the best plans for us and in the midst of our undesirable circumstances – He is causing all things to work together for our good. Be blessed and encouraged Glamazini x

    • glamazini

      It’s when you don’t want to be there that this is most powerful. Of course we think God wants us where we are when where we are is GREAT! But when it’s not we must remember He’s in control then too.

  • Curly Chemist

    That is pretty powerful. And I know exactly what you mean. A few years ago I was struggling trying and pryaing and hoping for something to stay together and it fell apart. I was angry at myself and angry at the other person cause I didn’t get what i wanted, but I heard a sermon that spoke on this same thing. I remember the pastor talking about finding your peace where you are, even though you are in a pit like David, but there is a purpose in that pit. So many times I get hung up on if I could just make it to this or get that, but sometimes God puts us in a place for a purpose. We are all just like little kids sometimes, can’t keep still, got to get to that next thing, got to move on to the bigger and better and we want it now, but a delay doesn’t mean He has denied you anything, He is just telling you to wait and be still cause your time is coming. Like I said it’s powerful.

  • BigTickles

    This post resonates with me. When I heard Tamela Mann’s “Take me to the King”, I was for sure she was outside of my prayer closet 🙂

      • BigTickles

        Another good one is from back in the day – Daryl Coley “He’s Preparing Me”
        There is also a TD Jakes sermon about God hides you for a reason but I cannot seem to find it. Of course, I will be back when I do because I need to hear that one again 😉

  • Adora

    *sigh* I needed to read this (thank you for this post!)
    I’m not where I want to be right now, because its so difficult, but I am lucky enough to realize it’s where I need to be and have stopped fighting/resenting it. If for nothing else, my being so uncomfortable has made me lean on Him much more…

  • Kisha Collie

    I remember your blogs from back in the day when they were posted on roshini.net. You inspired me to go natural in 2004 although I didn’t get the courage until 2008. I ended up perming in 2009, but in 2011 I decided to sport my natural beauty once again. I even decided to start my own blog. And then I remembered you and decided to see if your site was still up. It is good to see you are still out here as a source of information. May God continue to bless you and your Family.

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