Welcome home, sis! 🍍🫶🏽

Tired of performing instead of living? I’m Roshini Cope (Glamazini), and I help Black and West Indian women trade exhaustion for ease through coaching that honors your whole story. From trauma healing to joy creation, I understand the journey because I’ve walked it too.

You’ve landed at glamazini.com, welcome. While this site has served me beautifully for many years, I’ve grown like a pineapple needing more room to flourish. 🤸🏽‍♀️✨  

I’ve created something beautiful for you at 🍍👑  thepineapplecrowns.com. 👑🍍 That’s where you’ll find all the resources, coaching opportunities, and the sisterhood support you’re looking for. 🤎

🍍👑 Ready to step into a space designed for your growth? Join me at 🔗👉🏽 thepineapplecrowns.com where we’re creating healed, authentic lives together.

Boldly & brilliantly

Roshini (Glamazini)

…oh and here’s a pineapple 🫴🏽🍍


Contact Roshini

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