When Are You Most Inspired?

Flowers at Lake Ella in Tallahassee Florida
image: glamazini

Where do you find your greatest source of inspiration? When are you most inspired? When do creative “nuggets” drop into your head effortlessly?

For myself, the answer is: in my sleep.

Well, let me start over.

I’m 7 months pregnant, and if you know anything about pregnancy you know that, especially in the latter months, your sleep can beĀ interrupted. Ā Due to those interruptions, my mind has the opportunity to be more lucid and fresh thoughts form that I can usually recollect for, atleast, the beginning of the subsequent day. Ā It’s increased so much as my pregnancy has progressed that I often wonder if my body’s ability to create a human being has some how stimulated my mind’s ability to create a natal thought. Ā For example, it’s 6:30AM and I was awakened with a strong urge to try a new way of documenting the abundance of ideas that come to me in my dreams, so I am. Ā Most amazinglyĀ I was led to the answer to a question that I had just asked God for the day priorĀ in the form of family pictures buried in the bottom of my office closet. Wow.

As I’ve shared, I’m examining the possibility of repositioning myself to something that more aligns with my passions and purpose. Ā This quest of self-discovery requires raw truth on my part, more so to myself than to others. Ā I have to stop the learned lying (settling) about what I’m interested in or care about. One huge revelation is that because I’m good at something does not mean I have to pursue it, even though others may encourage me to do so … but that’s another post.

So, when are you most inpired and what are you doing to capture those innovative thoughts and put them into action?

Have a great day you guys & until next time Glam Fam I wish you
Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Nappyness,


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Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a certified life coach and special needs mom who infuses wisdom with wit to guide Black and West Indian women on their journey of healing and transformation. She is a content creator that resonates deeply with women seeking meaningful change in their lives. Her down-to-earth approach to lifestyle enhancement makes personal growth feel accessible, inspiring, and fun. Surrounded by pineapples ā€“ her chosen symbol of joy ā€“ she guides her audience to create the life they truly desire, one heartfelt laugh at a time. Work with Roshini