What I'm Reading: I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What That Was by Barbara Sher
I'm almost done reading Captivating and I just stumbled on my next book!
I saw this book: I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was by Barbara Sher posted on an online forum yesterday and was immediately captured by the title. That is literally how I feel! The subtitle is "How to Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It". Sounds great to me! I looked the book up on Amazon and read the available pages online. I placed it on reserve and picked it up from my local library that same day. I'm devouring it now and will let you know my thoughts when I'm done. Feel free to read along with me
Stay tuned …
Until next time Glam Fam I wish you
Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Nappyness,
Edited to add (8/5/2011):
Gosh it took me a long time to finish that book but I believe it's my doing since my schedule is so busy of late. I absolutely enjoyed this book and actually plan on purchasing a copy of my own and reviewing it annually. I did not get a chance to do all the exercises, but the ones I did were extremely eye opening and helpful! This book is an awesome read that I highly recommend & I can't wait to read other books by the author, Barbar Sher.