Trust God and Chill Free Therapy Life Coaching

Trust God & Chill • Free Therapy


This video is part of my Free Therapy series. If you like it please join my Celebrate New Growth Facebook group for more!

I entitled this live video Trust God & Chill.

A category-5+ hurricane hit and demolished the islands where I’m from and then two weeks later another category 5+ came and finished the job. My parents both live in the Virgin Islands and for several days I did not know whether they were dead or alive.

I was talking to my mom the other day, which is a rare occurrence because I really can’t just call her. She has to go to a spot where she kind of sorta has Wi-Fi and called me on WhatsApp. She was talking about how at this point in her life where she’s having major milestone birthdays she and my dad never really thought about the fact that they were gonna have to start over.  Everything was in line, all of their apartments were rented, all the houses were rented, the business was doing well everything was just in a perfect rhythm.  They had everything the way that they thought in their human mind it was gonna work out for their good in the latter days of their life, then these hurricanes came in the midst of their plans and wiped them out and yet and still they have to trust God.

She also was pointing out that she went to a funeral this morning, two or three on the island that she’s on this weekend, and that people are just dropping dead like flies. Not necessarily from airborne illnesses or from accidents, but people are dropping dead from stress. People can’t handle the fact that all of their belongings are gone. Everything they put their life’s work into is gone. 

She told me a story about a lady who cooked for them after Irma on September 6 and by the time Maria, the second hurricane, came around two weeks later that lady was dead. She just went into her room she wouldn’t eat wouldn’t anything. She just gave up because she could not handle what had been taken from her in the storm.

Struggles in your life are tests to see if you trust God

If you really trust him. When everything is taken from you, when things don’t go the way that you expected them, to go when you didn’t sign up for this, when you thought you were going left and life took you right, when you envisioned a certain amount of children in your life and you can’t get pregnant, or you have a child in a wheelchair and then you have no other children. If you sign up for a specific thing at your job or specific a career and all of a sudden everything you’ve put into that career is not turning out the way you wanted it to.  When you look at the numbers of your age and they start going up higher and higher but you look back and you start taking inventory of what’s come of the life that you’ve invested this time in and it has not turned out the way you wanted. When a hurricane comes and takes everything you own.  Do you trust him? 

If you’re frantic and you’re to-and-fro then I suggest you pay attention to whether or not that is a person that trusts God because if you trust God it’s like looking back and realizing that when you fall he is gonna catch you.  

So you trust that the fall is worth falling.

You don’t have to catch yourself because you can’t catch yourself. If you think you can you are an error and you’re going to fail every time. This is something I have to tell myself all the time.  When you look back do you trust that he’ll catch you? 

When I was pregnant with my son at the 20-week ultrasound they gave me negative report the only way at the 20-week ultrasound that I could see that God was going to work all things out for my good was he was gonna heal my son and so that’s all I prayed about from twenty weeks until thirty-six plus when he was born.  After he was born and the medical stuff was still happening I continued to pray. All I could see was that God was gonna heal him. Here I am now five years plus into being a mom of a son with special needs and I look back on this thing and I realized that God *is* working it out for my good because if I did not have the child that I had I could not be sitting here talking to you guys encouraging you and telling you how to make it through tough times.

God changed who I am and he’s continuing to change who I am. I am a totally different person on a DNA level and so in that way God *is* and continues to work it out for my good. He may not heal my son in the sense that I see healing in the small human mind  I don’t know … but if he doesn’t do I trust that the fall is worth falling and he is catching me?Do I see the perspective change that he has done inside of me to realize that this fall that he has assigned me is working things out for my good and that this *is* him catching me? 

Do you really believe that he can catch you?

Or are you too busy trying to catch yourself causing yourself anxiety and stress not having the coping mechanisms to deal with the real trials of life and watching things die in front of your eyes?  

Trust him and chill.

The way this life is set up none of us get out alive. If you don’t have anything bad happen in your life yet you know how to old people say “keep living.”  I don’t mean that as a threat I mean that as a truth. It’s coming and so how can you cope with the things that are coming?

The Bible says that you cast all your cares. “Cast” means to actively take that worry and that stress and that thing that you are holding on to and chuck it over there! Know that it’s not for you.  You don’t even want it near you.  Fall back and know that no matter the outcome whether it’s the outcome you think you were supposed to get or not  that he will catch you.  

Take it from somebody whose last name is Cope … the best coping mechanism is to know you can’t cope so to give up your need to be in control of the coping and let God do the coping for you.  Fall back knowing that no matter what God the creator of all things has the ability and is concerned enough to catch you.  He has taught me how to remain (relatively lol) sane and to have joy unspeakable and full of glory in the midst of the chaos.  

You know why? 

No matter what happens my intention is to trust God and to chill cause he got me.


If you are interested in working with me as a coach email me at or join the Celebrate New Growth Facebook group and contact me there.

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Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a certified life coach and special needs mom who infuses wisdom with wit to guide Black and West Indian women on their journey of healing and transformation. She is a content creator that resonates deeply with women seeking meaningful change in their lives. Her down-to-earth approach to lifestyle enhancement makes personal growth feel accessible, inspiring, and fun. Surrounded by pineapples – her chosen symbol of joy – she guides her audience to create the life they truly desire, one heartfelt laugh at a time. Work with Roshini