Let’s Get Physical (Therapy)
Last week I started my third round of physical therapy on my legs. This time I am finding it hard to be motivated, but I’m told that is typical for those suffering with chronic pain. If you remember, I hurt my legs pretty badly in March of 2010 and have been in some level of pain ever since. The story is long and unfinished but if you’d like to catch up on the general haps you can watch this video and read this post. My first round of physical therapy lasted for 4 months and focused on teaching me how to walk properly again. My 2nd round earlier this year was about strengthening my legs and increasing the flexibility of my left ankle that was not working well at all. This current round is about strengthening my left quad so my knee cap tracks properly.
During my last visit to the doctor we reviewed my MRI results and I was diagnosed with a “degenerative meniscus” (worn down knee cap) on my left leg and significant atrophy of the muscles on my entire left side from the waist down. This is the first true diagnosis from a traditional doctor that I have had in 18 months, even after multiple tests, X-rays, MRIs and the like. It’s hard out here ya’ll.
I will be going to therapy 2 times a week for 6 weeks. As always, I appreciate all your prayers in this matter. God is in control and I’ve settled into an understanding that I cannot rush His timing no matter what my desires are (dance, Zumba, 3 inch heels. run down a flight of stairs, walk barefoot comfortably etc.). The largest thing I’ve learned is that life must continue during the pain.
Have you ever had physical therapy? Are any of you dealing with chronic pain?
Until next time Glam Fam I wish you
Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Nappyness,
@Glamazini | facebook.com/IamGlamazini | youtube.com/Glamazini | Google+
Disclosure: The left leg in the photo above was provided by me, my mother my father and their love *ew*. No Glamazini’s were hurt (too bad) in the creation of this post. For more information about the Glamazini.com disclosure policy, click here.