Per my last email …
I recently had someone “per my last email …” me. 🙃
As much as I enjoy a good meme chuckle in real life I’ve always thought this phrase and the sentiment behind it is unnecessarily abrupt and rude. 🤷🏾
The amusing part is if someone wrote to you and said “this is the second time I’m telling you this. I don’t want to have to tell you again” I’m sure you’d be taken aback. I mean, the expectation that another human being is somehow able to (or obligated to) memorize every detail of everything you have said to them prior along with every detail of everything everyone else said to them is … ridiculous, immature, passive-aggressive, and arguably narcissistic. 😇
Besides, if you are busy or forgot something would you not want someone to show you grace and just tell you? 🤔 Folks create such a harsh environment for others then want to complain when the same harshness comes back to them when they are human. And yes, the person who “pmle” me is always complaining about how rude other people are to them.
Shocking. 🤦🏾
Folks love to glorify being rude then complain when someone is rude to them. 😑
– me
Teachable moment
(for myself and for others)
Instead of referring to your last correspondence at all just respond to a question when it is asked. It will give you so much peace accepting it’s not your job to manage everyone else’s memory. 🤷🏾 💁🏾
Hopefully, the next time you are human and have a moment of forgetfulness did not hear someone the first time, or am just feeling kinda lazy the person you ask will be just as gracious back to you.
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