Oprah’s Lifeclass Comes To St. Louis With T.D. Jakes

This past Monday I had the absolute pleasure of attending a live taping of Oprah’s Lifeclass with guest teacher T.D. Jakes filmed in downtown St. Louis at the beautiful Peabody Opera House!  To say I was excited would be an understatement.  “See and/or meet Oprah” has been on my bucket list for some time now, and I checked it off with style (although I would still love to meet Oprah in person).

Since the taping was happening smack dab in the middle of a weekday I invited a local blogging buddy, MotorCityMoxie to come with.

Oprah's Lifeclass
The beautiful Peabody Opera House decked out for Oprah’s Lifeclass


Oprah's Lifeclass
MotorCityMoxie and I in the line (that wrapped around the block)


Oprah's Lifeclass
We made it inside! Here we are right before taking our seats.


Oprah's Lifeclass
OMG! @TheCubicleChick’s tweet with my name on it made it on the screen before the show!


Oprah's Lifeclass
Oprah and T.D. Jakes teaching us how to Live On Purpose

I was so impressed at how quickly they were able to seat almost 3,000 of us into the Peabody Opera House. You can tell they are a top notch organization. HA!  I was taking it all in and pretty calm until Oprah came out on stage. There’s something about Oprah Winfrey, her life, her story, and her energy that makes your insides yearn to step up and do better. I felt tears well up in my eyes, and that’s not easy to make happen (even with my pregnancy).

As the taping progressed MotorCityMoxie copiously took notes as I sat there in awe soaking it all up.   Oprah’s desire for us to be the truest expression of ourselves is evident in all that she does, and she referenced this sentiment often.  The two things that stuck with me the most came from T.D. Jakes:

  1. Your passion and your purpose are linked
  2. Something may not be your destination, but it may be your transportation to your destination
Uh yeah. Jaw wide open.


I am in a unique part of my life at this very moment.  An audience member stood up and shared her choice to end her corporate career to become a stay-at-home mom, and I identified.  I haven’t made that exact choice (yet), but I have put my corporate career on pause to vet other opportunities (including being a stay-at-home mom), and prepare myself for the birth of my 1st child.   It’s an exciting, scary place to be.  That said, the “transportation to your destination” has been ringing in my ears all week and is helping me to begin being content with every situation and/or job that I felt had me “off track”.  Wowsers, but what a blessing to start to come to peace with that.  They all play a part in where I’m going.


On a lighter note, I loved that Oprah shared she wears a size 11 shoe.  *smile*  I wear a 12 or 13 so I know her struggle. 😀


The show airs on OWN on Monday, April 9th at 8/7c  so be sure to check it out and support Oprah’s network because she is do something different and positive on television.


What have you done lately to live intentionally and on purpose?

Until next time Glam Fam I wish you
Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Nappyness,

Disclosure:  The tickets to the filming of Lifeclass were provided for free.  For more information about the Glamazini.com disclosure policy, click here.


Edited to add:

I put up this post and tweeted it. A little later I get this response tweet:

Oprah's Lifeclass

Yeah, that happened. 😐


Carry on.


Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a certified life coach and special needs mom who infuses wisdom with wit to guide Black and West Indian women on their journey of healing and transformation. She is a content creator that resonates deeply with women seeking meaningful change in their lives. Her down-to-earth approach to lifestyle enhancement makes personal growth feel accessible, inspiring, and fun. Surrounded by pineapples – her chosen symbol of joy – she guides her audience to create the life they truly desire, one heartfelt laugh at a time. Work with Roshini