Party In My Pants
So this happened. O_o
I was strolling through Whole Foods yesterday, when I spotted this beauty: Party in My Pants Overnight Pads.
Best part? The pricing tag abbreviation of “PIMP OVERNIGHT…”.
You can’t make this stuff up people! That is all.
Edited to add:
Party In My Pants seems like a perfectly reputable company with a pretty amusing name. I’ve never used their products but go and check their website out if reusable cloth pads are your thing!
p.p.s. I actually went ahead an ordered a “free” sample liner after perusing their website. You have to pay shipping but still, why not. Not sure how long they’ll be doing it but here’s the link if anyone’s interested.
Edited again to add:
I received my free panty liner on Tuesday and used it yesterday. Here’s how it arrived in the packaging.
A thank you note, information, and the liner folded and wrapped in tissue.
This is the actual liner. I got the luxe one, it’s 9.5″ x 3″.
So jokes on me because I actually like this sucka. Who knew . I don’t see myself getting actual pads to use during my period {washing menstrual blood out isn’t my thing}, but I’m tearing through liners during this pregnancy so I could totally see myself getting a few more of these and just using them in upcoming pregnancies … or just in general. There you have it. Carry on …
Woww ..
what…the….reJesus here I come!
The name is silly but the concept is intriguing enough for me to check them out. Thanks
Glad to help.
Natasha @ Houseful Of Nicholes
I actually use cloth pads, however the title of these is HA-LARIOUS! And you don’t have to touch them directly if you don’t want to. š Dear Roshini. *snort*
Natasha @ Houseful Of Nicholes recently posted..Mother’s Day Series: My Wake-Up Call – Makeba G of
You would use them Martha :clothbrick: … so you know now I need to understand the washing situation. For baby I’m all about the cloth … for me, not sure.
I’ve heard of these but I’ve never seen them. I like the marketing/designs! I’ve become very happy with another personal product — menstrual cups. Google it, or go to Natural Haven’s blog (among others) to read up on it. I heard about it randomly and went from horror to intrigue to not wanting to use anything else.
I’ve owned a Diva Cup for years now, haven’t used it for years also. I like it, but I could never get mine to not leak … ever. I was told sometimes it’s just a product of your particular anatomy. Either way, I may try it again later this year, we’ll see. Thanks for commenting!
Reusable Menstrual Cups
Great choice for a brand, not to mention that pads are far better than tampons as they are safer to use. You may try the reusable cup too. There are many reputable brands you can trust for this. Diva Cup is a brand to rely on. I’ve been a menstrual cup user for quite some time now and I’ve never regretted such a switch.
I really envy those who can already survive a whole night with just menstrual pad even on heavy flow days! It’s a good thing though there’s reusable menstrual cup that saves my day!