Just Flew In From Mexico …
… and I’m sick as a dog!
Hubby and I got back yesterday from a quick 3-night stay outside of Cancun, Mexico. My friend got married, and I was in the wedding! Stay tuned for a post with a few pictures I shot and a review of our all-inclusive resort. Unfortunately I was cold the majority of the trip back, and now have the sore throat from hades (which is not ok because of this). Please pray.
Until next time Glam Fam I wish you
Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Nappyness,
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@Glamazini | facebook.com/IamGlamazini | youtube.com/Glamazini | Google+
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@Glamazini | facebook.com/IamGlamazini | youtube.com/Glamazini | Google+
Disclosure: Hubby and I paid for our trip and stay at the resort with our own money. For more information about the Glamazini.com disclosure policy, click here.
Try some honey and lime for that sore throat and try not to talk too much before your big event. Also try gargling with warm water and salt.
Yep, been doing that (well not the honey and lime exactly since I have to go to the store tonight) but every thing else I could think of AND I’m slathered with Vicks! 😀
Praying you have a voice. Look forward to seeing you there. I registered 🙂
Thanks hun & see you soon 🙂
Bree McCarthy
Ugh… I could definitely use a vacation. Praying you feel better before the conference. I wish I would have known sooner, I would have made the trip to STL. 🙁
Thanks Bree
Aisha G(of Hartlyn Kids)
Sorry to hear you were sick. Woo Woo Woo
thanks ma’am
Lots of water, exercise hard core sweating & sleep! 9-10 hours. Feel better soon.