Cloudy Day

Hey ya’ll

I went MIA again and this time I’m writing a post BEFORE the fog lifts. As you may’ve noticed I haven’t been posting much lately, I’ve been pretty intermittent on YouTube and I’m hopeless on Twitter and Facebook *leSigh*. I’m in another funk, and like last time I thought I’d go ahead and share because it could help someone.

A lot has been happening this year, some I’ve shared and some I have not. Maybe one day I’ll tell it, but until then, I’ll say this: “Whew child, what a year!”.  I looked at the date of the last post (Feb 8th) and realized that in less than a week I would be getting a life blow that would hit like a semi truck. #leLife  I’m here and dealing (as you may’ve noticed by the blog posts and videos since Feb 8th LOL), but lately I’ve just been in a funk (not to be confused with in a pit … a pit is WAY worse than a funk when it comes to depression and I do my best to stay out of  pits because pits are hard to get out of once you get in em).

I’ll be fine, but I could use all the prayers you can offer.  I started with a new therapist this past weekend. I’m excited but also not looking forward to starting a whole new relationship with another counselor that I don’t even know if I click with or is any good  #leBigSigh.  I really want to start therapy again though so I figured I have to start somewhere.  Otherwise, when time allows, I’m still working on things for you guys. I finished reading 10 Easy Steps To Go Natural Without Cutting Your Hair Off! today and will post a review soon.  I got my first full lace wig and I need to do some work to even PRETEND I’m gonna wear it out the house so stay tuned for that (and pray Lawd help). I’m doing a “re-review” of Metabolic Meals this week and so far so good #nomnomnom. I’ve also got some detangling brushes to review from Wet Brush and a slew of products to try out.

As I always say (because it’s the truth) it is well.

Just writing this post made me feel a bit better :).

Have a great day ya’ll *hugs*

Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a certified life coach and special needs mom who infuses wisdom with wit to guide Black and West Indian women on their journey of healing and transformation. She is a content creator that resonates deeply with women seeking meaningful change in their lives. Her down-to-earth approach to lifestyle enhancement makes personal growth feel accessible, inspiring, and fun. Surrounded by pineapples – her chosen symbol of joy – she guides her audience to create the life they truly desire, one heartfelt laugh at a time. Work with Roshini