About Roshini Cope

Hi, 👋🏽 

I’m Roshini Cope, a viral video creator and life coach best known for my funny commentary and coaching videos that reach millions every month. By holding the door open through humor I help black women on healing journeys 🤎 ✨ become more self-aware, create their joy, and become more intentional about creating the life they want.

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I would love to hear from you.  

🍍 Learn how you can partner with me. Work with Me.

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🍍 Want to support me.  Become a Happy Pineapple

🍍  Email me directly at ini@glamazini.com

learnings and such things
  • Clinically Addressing Narcassitic Abuse: Bearing Witness & Paradigm shifts workshop attendee – Dr. Ramani Durvasula
  • Overview of Narcassitic Personality Styles for Therapists & Coaches workshop attendee – Dr. Ramani Durvasula